
Nah. Somebody missed the exit for "Unfunny Trivializing Shitville." Happens from time to time.

the fuck is wrong with you?

I am unfamiliar with that particular jam.

*Sweet D stress-retch*

Your struggle inspires us all.

Explaining your remarkably gross trivialization of a "joke" does not make it less gross.

the fuck is wrong with you?

the fuck is wrong with you?

the fuck is wrong with you?

That's good?

That's bad!

As an Arkansan, I'm just glad to see that we can make national news in a way that is relatively benign.

Yeah, her relative obscurity was my earliest confirmation that "success" in the industry is not remotely merit-based.

I would never laugh.

"One of us! One of us!"

Look for the cover by Maria McKee. Gives me chills every time.

No "imagining" required. We all lost.

When my daughter was 3, she reacted to being introduced to a little person co-worker of her mom's by freaking out and screaming "don't let the muppet touch me!!"

Good god, Lemon.

I love this more than I can articulate.