Fired, Aren't I

Gohmert Pyle, ladies and gentlemen!

Future Supreme Court Justices all!

They did this on arthur

Almost makes you wish the damn Rapture would happen just so you don’t have to listen to them pretend to care about anti-semitism.

WASPs concern-trolling about Jews is a new level of hell

Good thing this is AV club and not Jezebel then.

Ah. “Virtue signalling.” Regarding the perpetuation of stereotypes that re literally millennia old.

Well, it was kinda the only product-placement opportunity they had...

The thing is that the movie is rooted in anti-Semitic, religious doctrine that claiming that Jews “killed Jesus”.

Flubbed the landing there. Should have concluded with “the only person who got nailed that night was on-screen.”

The Passion is basically anti-Semitic, Jesus torture porn. 

I remember Roger Ebert saying that this movie was proof that there’s no way that the MPAA would ever give a movie an NC-17 rating for violence (as opposed to sex, of course).

I bet he smells better too.

PREDICTION: Sarah Sanders will claim that “Tim Apple” is Trump’s nickname for Tim Cook and that he totally meant to call him that and how dare you say it was a mistake this is why media is the enemy of the American people also yes my face is slowly sliding off my skull.

He is 50

“Just a minute, babe! I’m busy reading every high school newspaper from around the country!” 

What’s it like being an amateur asshat?

And female employees were told that they can request to work on other projects if they aren’t comfortable with Lasseter. So they have to put their careers on hold because of a serial sexual harasser wanted more money and another chance that he took from every single female at Pixar who left because of him. No. Let him

I think giving Roma Best Director and Best Foreign-Language film was a way to say “We loved this film, but (a) you put it out on Netflix (shudder) and (b) it suggests racism is still a thing! (drops monocle)