
I look forward to the day that people can explore the idea that not only is subjective enjoyment impossible to scientifically quantify, but that as a result *others shouldn’t have to enjoy the same things you do at the same level you do just because you do*.

I liked VIII better than both VII and IX.

I can’t protect you

I love VIII

No, I’ll feel sorry for their children but not for anyone who actually voted for Trump. Plus this guy appears to be a commentator of some sort (?) and presumably knows something about Trump’s positions. Sure these people are ignorant and dumb and that’s too bad for them, but they also were willing and enthusiastic

I grew up as one of those brainwashed yokels. Believed the GOP party line, chapter and verse. But if you have any degree of intellectual curiosity you eventually get exposed to outside ideas. I’m not the only one in my hometown social circle who saw the light. Those that remain brainwashed choose to remain brainwashed.

I wouldn’t personally go to see this because I am very well aware of my tolerance levels for physical violence, but I honestly think that if you aren’t deeply and viscerally disturbed by an onstage production of 1984, they probably aren’t doing it right.

Is it flaunting literary privilege to say that anyone going into a production of 1984 without some idea of what they’re going to see deserves what they get?

Its also “dying” because 28 Republican-led states refused to set up their own exchanges, and had 19 Republican-led states not refused to accept the Medicaid expansion.

Anybody remember Sierra’s old game Outpost? I know old me would see all its flaws but young me loved it, and this makes me think of it.

The same reason there’d be a second Final Fantasy.

Why not combine both ideas? You manage your own team and, ONLY IF YOU WANT TO, you can participate in a match. It’s your choice if you join a player-vs-player league or play with and against NPCs.

As far as I can tell there has never been an official answer, so I am extremely thrilled to be able to provide one, 19 years later.

That’s bugged me for years.

I don’t see any spin related to Trump in the article, nor did the mention of ‘only’ imply any lack of military might. Only mentioning that deploying two carriers in the same spot is rare specifically because with a total force of 10, two carriers amount to 20% of our hardware. It’s driving home the point that this is

A single ship with the capacity to stand on it’s own can’t be singled out and overwelmed.

Large size gives you enough space for the extra large AEGIS system, lasers, potential rail guns, and the nuclear reactors needed to power all those toys.

So you can put giant ass railguns and lasers on it! And a giant ass nuclear reactor to power them all.

That was taped days ago, and children are always dying.

To be fair to Katy I’m pretty sure carpool karaoke was filmed before the news on the concert hit