
If you have them down, you best fucking kill them

I say that as a Pats fan

Atlanta’s bed shitting actually makes this easier to handle. If you take your boot off the Pats’ neck for even a second because of an unforced error, give them just that millimeter of daylight, then fuck you. You get zero sympathy.

As in be4 goes, this one is real, real good Kinja

*Offended reply about how this is related to the military, and you should get your eyes checked*

How dare you inject politics into a story about military procurement.

So what program do you follow where you make incredible progress(over 5lbs/month), box jump over 24" and never get injured?

If someone has been lifting for 2 decades and is seeing a 5LB per month increase, that’s pretty great. That’s 60 lbs per year. That program is all about small, steady increases in your core lifts, and if it’s still working, more power to them.

I agree with you. It’s a good way to get used to lifting but a bad way for continued gains. But doesn’t the word “Starting” in the program imply there’s something to move on to? Your criticism seems a bit unecessary.

They aren’t improving themselves...I even asked what kind of gains they typically see now and it was 5lbs a month.

How is 5 lbs a month not improving?

Yet that certain person is already ahead of the majority of the known world in regards to lifting. You classification of “wrong” may need a little adjustment.

Congrats on shitting on someone else doing their thing to improve themselves.

That person is also strong.

I don’t even see the Matrix code anymore. All I see is... blonde, brunette, redhead...

Then you’ve never heard of the German woman mass murderer. She killed dozens all over Europe, committed burglaries, and some vandalization. At least that’s what the DNA testing showed. Until someone noticed that the company that made the swabs only processed them to be sterile, as they were marked, and not DNA free,

I’m not a forensic scientist and I’m guessing you’re not either. However, Dr. Henry Lee is one of the world’s foremost forensic scientists and this was his conclusion regarding the male DNA.

For experts not on Ramsey payroll, the leading theory regarding the male DNA is that it was transferred during the manufacturing process and is not at all related to her murder.

Does Peter Thiel have beef with CBS?

Now playing

Great work, Ballaban. Really tremendous stuff. However, I must say that you left out the most crucial dramatization of nuclear war that currently exists on the Internet.

I want to know how a giant tentacle like thing ended up in the waste management system of a brand new intelligent life made death star.