
The short con is Trump funneled money from his own bank account to his campaign to his businesses and family. But it’s a loan and not a donation, so he’ll get that money back.

The vast majority of Trump’s contributions to his own campaign are loans rather than donations. This means he could expect to eventually recoup these funds. And of his expenditures, most of that money has been payed to Trump owned companies and family members.

Bialystock (the con-man) is Trump; Bloom (the brains) is Lewandowski and then Manafort; and Liebkind (the ideologue whose vile sputum was co-opted by the con-man and the brains) is every raving A.M. radio host and Fox News talking head over the last 20 years.

What if we’re already plenty broad?

As someone said in the comments for another article, Ramsay’s “games” are all rigged; if Rickon had done something like that, Ramsay would have just had all his archers loose a volley.

I initially thought Prometheus when I saw that scene, but upon further reflection, it probably wouldn’t have mattered if Rickon evaded Ramsay’s arrows. The main thing was that Ramsay got Jon caught in no man’s land. If Rickon survived, Jon would still have to charge forward with Rickon to avoid the volley of arrows

Wouldn’t Ramsay just release 1000 arrows at once if he saw this? I hated Rickon’s lack of zig-zag as much as the next guy, but I think the kid was fucked either way.

Rickon was dead no matter what. Knights of the Vale or no. If they show up and Ramsey is aware of it, he holes up in Winterfell and does his little toy with Rickon death performance from the wall.

I’m laughing while watching Gawker flounder, but still, this is just shallow and pedantic.

Well maybe, particularly considering the correct terminology was used within the article, the word tow was used in the title to make the article more accessible and relatable to the typical readership that has no experience of helicopters. Y’know, like me and the other 99% of the population? Or maybe it’s just less of

Hey, maybe it was Audi guy’s second time around, and this time he pinned the throttle.

I’d wager that the zoom out was to check the aftermath of that tailgater

The Audi owner is accustomed to replacing control arms every 7 miles anyway, so they just gunned it and got the weight transferred to the rear.

I’d have to disagree I can understand that spot of the foul might be extreme but 10 yards are way too few. Offensive pass interference mostly happens when an offensive player is trying to help make a play bigger. On occasion it is when they are trying to prevent an interception. Because of this, losing 10 yards would

The day companies get penalized for the day we have democracy back...

I think companies need to be penalized for reporting false flags. That is the only way this kind of things are less likely to happen.

We have a Tesla Model-S and it’s fit and finish is perfect.

I hear that Elon Musk is a pretty smart guy and I’m sure he’s also aware of how important the quality of the Model 3 will be right from day one. Only time will tell if Tesla is successful but to date they’ve proven many many armchair naysayers, like yourself, wrong.

I don't get this comment. Are you both scorning Tesla-haters AND agreeing with them ?

Why do you want tesla to fail? their mission is substainable transportation and energy production