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If we're going for underrated, why not the entire ending music of FF6? That's a pure gem right there!

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If we're going for underrated, why not the entire ending music of FF6? That's a pure gem right there!

CN is finally releasing AT on Netflix starting March, among other handful of shows tied to Turner Broadcasting. But I dunno how many seasons they'll post. It's up to season 5 at the moment.

Ditto. I remember what I was thinking when I first saw him....

I liked whoever voiced him and the Joker in the Brave and the Bold. But that show gets away with it for being rather, uh- silver age-y(?) for its tone.

Rob Bricken from io9 has the right idea....

Huh... same here.

As the billion others cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced....

I am so ready for Disgaea D2, DOOD!

Someday I will take back my PS2 slim from my future brother-in-law so I can finish Final Fantasy XII. (Which I also lent him...)


I discussed this over at forums, and it's really more of a case-by-case scenario, depending on genre and how much the actual tutorial takes you out of the immersion.

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How do you when the Grumplings (name for Game Grumps' fans) take it too far?

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How about when they mentioned that someone should've modded the PC version of Sonic Generations to have an actual, playable depiction of a hedgehog, and a day later this happened?

*spit takes*

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thoughts drifted to them. ^_^

Not bad... I like it. :)

What the Hell happened to promoting comments!?

Ha ha! I liked several of these.

But it will be an MMORPG...