
“The black/latinx soldiers in my unit aren’t historically accurate!”

This is a prime example of early mussel car.

Sorry, Brian, but that last image looks to be very much fucking around.

Thank god foreigners and minorities are only treated poorly in Korea and Japan. Really hope this type of stuff doesn’t hit the ‘States!

No hurt feelings here, I got it.

“Fuck Dinosaur”

Yes, I’m sure a YouTube video with an unrelated “angry feminist” meme in the thumbnail will have a very reasoned approach to racism.

The more I read about this phone, the more I believe it should be referred to as the iPhone ‘x’, and not the iPhone Ten, as if it’s something Apple will eventually want everyone to forget.

May I suggest that black and white people both stop saying woke altogether... because it’s fucking stupid.

Does competitive Mario Kart remove items/fun from the game like competitive Smash?


Try harder next time, troll.

I just don’t understand VR. When I get home from work and want to play a video game, I want to sit on my fat lazy butt with a controller in my hand and “veg out” in front of my monitor.

No, I’m saying that there isn’t much of a consistent artistic style to use as an identifier. It feels like insisting that what makes a Russian Novel is the handwriting of the author.

See, you get it!