
No love for Yae from the Ganbare Goemon franchise? Check out that impractically-long-for-a-ninja hairdo!

What about folks with re-vitiligo?

Only in America are cops so paranoid and trigger-happy that they dump an entire magazine into their own squad car when they hear a sudden noise. Though, it’s hard to blame them. In a country where anyone and everyone could be packing heat, it probably pays to be paranoid.

I hear you can get that for an extra fee in Wall Market.

Something, something, “quality of life”. Something, something, 2 hour long video essay on Youtube.

The Gamer(tm) is not as bright as they like to brag that they are. They will be subjected to Yellow Paint until they learn to be better.

A day may come when people in comments sections stop posturing about about framerate over graphics in order to make people think they’re intellectually-superior to the “graphics pretty!” riff-raff because they know about the technical minutia of games. But it is not this day.

Same! Really enjoyable game in VR, even if the VR implementation could be charitably designed as “barebones” at best, and “janky” at worst. Being able to look around when sitting inside your vehicles actually made them feel like vehicles, instead over overlays for your regular view. But man, I come this close to

Yes, the upfront cost is higher, but in the long run, PC can often be cheaper. I personally have never paid more than $30 for a AAA PC game, I just wait a few months for it to go on sale for 80% off on Steam. With consoles, the only place you can buy games, are from a store owned by the company that makes the console.

While I personally don’t quote-unquote “identify” as my sex/gender, I still find the whole trans thing utterly baffling. It seems to me like people expect that everyone should fit into rigid boxes, and if you don’t, then you must be the other box. Combine that with a desire for representation, and I can understand why

Yeah, I gotta agree with this. They likely had shitty childhoods, but instead of moving on, they’re trying to get back at everyone who “wronged” them (i.e anyone who isn’t the same race, gender as them, and doesn’t like the same things they do).

This. Being a “gamer” was the closest I ever came to having an “identity”. But then I realized “holy fuck, I really don’t want to be associated with these people” and noped the fuck out of that.

Yeah, a bad movie is VERY RARELY the fault of the actor(s) in it.

You’re not wrong. Fandom has gotten significantly worse over the past few decades. People are attaching FAR too much of their identity and investing an unhealthy amount of emotion into the things they like/dislike. With predicable results.

Oh, the gameplay is perfectly normal, you’re just delivering cargo. It’s the story that’s weird as balls! It’s very imaginative though. You can usually find the game on-sale for cheap, so I’d recommend picking it up and giving it a try. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea though.

This. There are very few non-hack uses of jump scares in media. Making you jump in response to sudden movement and loud noises isn’t scary, it’s simply startling. If you you could replace the thing doing the jump-scare with an adorable kitten and it would be just as effective, you’re a hack. Horror needs to be earned.

The first game is full of professionals, like Mads Mikkelsen and Guillermo del Toro, so yes, it has very good performances. I’d recommend it if that interests you, just be aware that the gameplay isn’t for everyone.

“A Hideo Kojima game”

“Octodaaaaaaaad! No one suspects a thing!”

...What’s the reasoning behind making them all fat? That seems like a stereotype that would only apply to a few of them.