
You first.

Military grade =/= good, Military grade == good enough from the lowest bidder


Just like spotify, netflix, and steam style services have absolutely decimated piracy numbers, the most effective way to combat piracy is to remove the incentive to pirate works. If you make it absolutely seamlessly easy to just pay a nominal amount of money for something, it actually works...

I’m sorry, but the cars shouldn’t be shooting at each other, we the spectator should be shooting stuff at the cars, making the autonomous vehicles react in real time to humans being assholes.

omg a 190E Cossie?

Lone Star Le Mans is absolutely fantastic, I had a much better time at it than the F1 race. Being able to look at a turn for 30 seconds and actually see two cars get passed there in that timeframe is awesome. I think there’s a group of Jalopnik people meeting up there, its usually organized a few days before the race.

I was at the Crown Royal tent I think (above and to the right of the amphitheater looking at the stage), during the Lone Star Le Mans their prices were high, but didn’t really account for alcohol quality. So while a Bud Light at $8, but a heavy pour of JW Black on the rocks was $11, which if following the Bud Light

Besides the documentary The Rock, what else is VX used for film wise?

See now, that’s actually clever...

Wheels.. definitely wheels.

The new one’s do I think, that’s 5 years old tech in yours, car radar’s have gotten a lot better.

it yells at you and tells you it’s turning off cruise control at 7mph. decently obvious

Thats the one, BMW, Honda, Subaru etc have it afaik. I’d trade my hyundai in an instant for the stop and go capability (at the same price)

Anything with adaptive cruise control. It’s absolutely fantastic for a lower speed commute. Cars with it start in the mid 20k’s.

I understood that reference.

Just put the alarm clock on the other side of the room? Forcing you to get out of bed is better than making you just sit up and aim at a giant target...

Well yes of course, but if there’s a relatively instant DOA situation, thats just a wrongful death suit, whereas the broken arm, ribs, severe head trauma internal bleeding situation is medical costs + future earnings + pain and sufffering + etc as far as the total costs go.

Aren’t dead people cheaper than maimed people?