For those that have not read it, I highly recommend Jon Krakauer’s book “Where Men Win Glory” about Pat Tillman.
For those that have not read it, I highly recommend Jon Krakauer’s book “Where Men Win Glory” about Pat Tillman.
It would be amazing to hear what the draft dodger has to say to the Tillman family.
Remember his feud with the Khans?
I remember reading about his funeral and the likes of Maria Shriver (First Lady of California at the time) and John McCain were talking about Pat being with God. Then his brother came up and talked about how Pat wasn’t religious and said he isn’t with God but “he’s just fucking dead.” Then he took the pint of beer he…
Given the Tillman family’s blunt use of colorful language and their cynicism towards the PR that was pasted over his death, I would STRONGLY RECOMMEND that Trump just try to bring Pat Tillman into this debate.
I really like the show, but its fandom is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. A bunch of people seem to think that the show endorses Rick’s behavior and philosophy, it realllllly doesn’t.
This has been the best season of Rick and Morty so far so way to go ladies.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ! The women who write the show these fuckheads love so much are getting harassed & doxxed for writing the show these fuckheads love so much. That is android head-exploding levels of irrationality.
Cause he’s a dumbass who can’t take responsibility for himself. Last special from him I saw, he was acting like his wife was crazy and always accusing him of cheating based on nothing. That’s some gaslighting shit.
Why does he always act like he tripped and fell and, whoops, his dick slid into someone on the way down?
I doubt it’s the former, as modern day racists mostly like to claim they’re not racist, and/or that the real problem is “reverse racism”. But from the photo it does appear that it was three white folk holding the sign.
Holy shit! “... the good old days b4 SHE happened”? It’s so terrible it’s like it was written by someone who wants us to hate him even more.
Omg you’re totally right about it being managed by his mom. She spoke at his trial and specifically emphasized REAL because she wanted to show the world the REAL Brock turner. That’s beyond. It’s either run by one of them or an extremely clever troll.
I’m one of the leaders of an activist group where we are strongly supporting the recall and we have had actual threats against us personally over it. It’s insane. This judge has an awful record of letting violent rapists off with little or no penalty yet for some reason he has the full support of all the other judges…
“Most corner stores are dirty, over-priced, lack variety, and frankly are terrifying to go into”
The city’s permanent residents should really adjust to the needs of the casual, pants-pissing visitor.
Give him a break, he’s not racist, he just doesn’t care about the impact of racism on others. Also it’s tough to go three sides around a square doling out blame to those jealous haters at the Wall Street Journal and that dastardly DMCA-abusing FireWatch dev in order to avoid the reality that Kjellberg brought all of…
I hate everything Hank Williams stands for, but I’ll tell you what, I’d let him scream that one song directly into my ear if it means I don’t have to hear “Waiting All Day For Sunday Night” ever again.
This is a lot of words. You could have just made your point saying “Racism is good!” and not wasted so much time.
I almost said the same thing. People are angry with him for potentially losing money, not the fact that he is a fucking racist.