
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: police union spokesmen are the worst people in America.

The rest of the elite disaster-response team walks resolutely across the tarmac:

1. I am always amazed that human women (and some men) can wear those shoes. My ankle would be sprained within the first ten seconds.

MICHELLE WOULD HAVE WORN SNEAKERS. Or a flat or duck boots or anything else a normal person would wear. GOD I hope 45 has a heart attack on top of her in bed and she’s trapped for several hours.

I am still laughing my fool head off at that Top Gun cosplay. Gurrrrl, Kelly McGillis you ain’t.

Please further note that the $40.00 USA cap is available on his website with all proceeds going to his 2020 presidential campaign. Because why not right?

Please note that Trump also accessorized with the $40.00 USA cap manufactured outside the USA clutched in his left hand.

I actually don’t think 45 is dressed inappropriately. Maybe more rugged pants would be better, but.... Mrs. 45 looks like some dumb fashion shoot, especially those shoes. WTF.

She looks like she was about to go to a Top Gun themed party before Cheeto dragged her on this stupid vanity trip.

Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.

I think they’re trying to have it both ways - showing a small token of support, but not going “all-in” in order to protect their asses.

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

About that headline...

*Scans list*

Wait what the fuck Kid A?! That album is phenomenal, arguably Radioheads best. And Sgt. Pepper?!?!?! A lot of ppl consider that the Beatles best (although I always thought Abbey Road is tops) Also the Jay-Z/Linkin Park one is pretty good the songs align very well

I listened to the 30 for 30 on those guys. I knew when they started talking all starry eyed about Boston punks, some of the most facist/racist/bigoted humans to walk the earth the last 50 years, something like this was going to come out. I’m surprised it took this long.

“The 38-year-old entrepreneur”

You may have technically “played” in the NFL, but his dad owned a USFL team. Oh yeah, and he’s at least 25% orangutan.

“...and oh yeah, I played in the fucking NFL.”