
Yes. His name was Burt Schilling.

His agenda is not being called the n-word you fucking dolt

Listen, any time you’ve got the opportunity to acquire a really, really good defenseman at the end of his prime and all you have to give up is a superstar defenseman just reaching his prime, you have to make that trade every time when the player you’re giving up is black.

There is no difference between healthcare and health insurance in this country. In order to have access to healthcare, you must have health insurance. You, as an individual, do not have the leverage to negotiate with the oligopoly of healthcare in this country. Unfortunately we use private companies to collectivize

It’s weird that you focus on dogs wiping (or not wiping) their anuses. That’s really weird.

There are anti-dog trolls now?

I started watching Sports center as a young child in the late eighties when it was just sports and no hidden political agenda.

This liberal bias is exactly why I canceled my subscription to Deadspin. I just read all the words in the articles and comment sometimes.

I watched it with my parents because we normally watched that show. My mom was horrified by it but my dad was like, “so, you don’t think you know gay people now? What’s your issue with this?” It took YEARS for me and my sister to get my mom to understand that SHE doesn’t have to be gay or even understand why others

I’ve heard seemingly nice normal people enthusiastically say that unemployed people should be sterilised as standard. They say it as if this is a perfectly simple, sensible and fair solution. It’s sickening.

until it got to the scene where Offred’s card is declined and then all the women get fired and then it all got too real

That episode with the coffee place, then the debit card, and then the office shenanigans... *shudders* sent me into full blown panic mode.

Or not familiar with our history, or the history of other nations.

I binged the first three episodes yesterday morning and I now regret it because it was so good I want to be able to savor it and drag it out until the next episode is released.

Yeah, that sounds weirdly made-up to me.

“It’s a rape fantasy”? God knows sexualizing rape is a depressingly common trope, but I’m having troubling imagining how anyone could confuse the cold, clinical rapes in The Handmaid’s Tale with erotica.

Scientology is really not comparable to Islam, or any other established faith with centuries of history and millions upon millions of followers.

Oh so now you find it unacceptable? Weird because before you said you didn’t give a shit and that racist actions weren’t a signal of racism - which is it?

If, in your mind, the most insulting thing you can call someone is a racial slur, you might just be racist.

The words have more power than you can imagine but that’s painfully obvious from the way you try to quantify you yourself being guilty of using them.