
She even changed her name to a more “black sounding” name, with the excuse that she can’t get a job with “Rachel Dolezal” and as Oluo points out, she’d have a better chance with “Sarah” than the name she picked. (the name is Nigerian and also all over the media so of course they’re tied together.)

Damn, Ijeoma Oluo is no joke. Her interview was a damn good read. She got at the crux of the problem with this crazy bitch. Rachel is a BETTER Black woman than you. She knows MORE about Blackness than you, a Black woman, could possibly know. Because she read some books and CHOSE Blackness, see, and you were just born

They’re snarky because this guy, while doing an undoubtedly good public service here, also expresses surprise that tax deductions mostly benefit the well-off and that the government doesn’t actually provide for all the needs of the poor and sick. One of the richest and most powerful men in the last couple decades in

HE told a story on The Champs podcast about how he got out the Army early because of Storm Thrumond. Apparently his grandkids where huge Fans of his brother so they asked Eddie to make a personal appearance. Eddie said he would only do it if they could get his brother released early from the Army, he pulled some

I was less surprised than gleeful when Ricky Martin came out. I dated a girl once who had a major crush on him, and I kept telling her she was barking up the wrong tree. It would have been one thing if she said “Oh, I know, but I still am attracted to him”. I would have said “cool, celebrity crush”. No, she would have

If they’re still alive, the 7 people that were surprised when Ricky Martin came out are SHOCKED by this. Shocked.

Lousy Urban Types with their loud, Urban Type music and their provocative Urban Type dancing. Sometimes I wish they’d all go back to the Urban Type areas they came from.

Because the best use of $60 million is to give it to already rich guys to fund a stadium. And “too many urban types who prefer basketball and football?” Why don’t you say what you really mean?

You want to hear the REALLY crazy part, though?

One thing UConn does that doesn’t get enough attention is their conditioning. They have luxuries that literally no other women’s team — including pros and Team USA — even dreams of, including the world’s best training facility, a stable of world-class physicians and nutritionists, on-demand all-hours massage and

Geno’s reaction said it all.

Miss st center has some great hands, she caused 2 or 3 turnovers in the 4th and OT just reaching out and tipping passes

The second half of the fourth quarter and overtime was as exciting of a basketball game as you can ask for. Tremendous shot to finish off one of if not the greatest upsets in basketball at any level. Props to UConn too, 111 in a row is unreal.

What more could you want to end a game? OT, controversy, buzzer beater...a 5 minute rollercoaster.

Your attempts to vindicate the patriarchy are both honorable and commendable. Don’t let people criticize aggressive men in positions of power, lest these girls start thinking they are powerful themselves.

Nope, not even remotely what I said. What I said was that the Democrat base, including centrists, wanted Ellison. Meanwhile the Democrat leadership and big donors wanted Perez at the last second. Then we got Perez. This disconnect should tell you something, but of course it wont because at this point you are DEEPLY

Way to completely ignore all context from the Perez fiasco and demonstrate the EXACT refusal to learn from mistakes phenomenon I was just talking about. Thanks, champ!

To jog your memory in a vain attempt to get you to recognize the problem here, lets recap. Ellison was popular with both the centrist and progressive

Statistically, that is not true with black votes. But okay.

Jesus Christ. It is chilling how much this resembles trying to debrief my five year old daughter twenty minutes after some silly meltdown - except she doesn’t have fucking committees and nemeses in the newsmedia and so on to obfuscate with.

Yes, you’re right. It definitely is not a sports entertainment promotion featuring musclebound men wearing sparkly spandex costumes slamming each other around for spectacle. It’s some whole other, more serious thing.