There are also a bunch of questions phrased in a ridiculous way for an “approve/disapprove” survey. This is a good example:
There are also a bunch of questions phrased in a ridiculous way for an “approve/disapprove” survey. This is a good example:
“I truly believe is one of us, guys.”
Honestly these polls are just ways to gain supporters and grow an email list to rent out to the GOP. I know that most of yall are writing in bs email addresses, but it won’t stop him from saying hey look I’ve gained 3 million supporters since the inauguration
Now that President Obama has moved on, it’s actually nice to see the new leader of the free world sitting in the Oval Office, and also Donald Trump.
This was a fight that I lost so many times with my editors that I eventually quit journalism. You would not believe the number of times that reporters want to call a lie a lie, and editors walk it back because they’re scared of seeming like the reporter is “taking a side.” Telling the truth is not a demonstration of…
So now it’s a political statement to say that discriminatory laws are stupid?
Hey, Meals on Wheels isn’t political, either. But, you know, it’s 2017, and evidently feeding the elderly poor just isn’t a good investment anymore and anybody who says differently or advocates basic human decency is just being ‘political’ anymore.
It won’t happen because institutionalized racism is good for the 87% of the country that isn’t black. When people of color are killed, that frees up potential jobs and opportunities for everyone else. Mike Brown was studying to be a welder, and his death meant that there was one less person competing for welding jobs…
True, and sometimes the only way you can find out if someone is a criminal is to slam your car door into them and then start grabbing them. That’s solid police work there.
Black teenage boy. Mike was a high school student.
True. I remember following this case so closely when it was all coming out. Wilson stopped and harassed these two kids because they were black. Full stop. Profiling was something the Ferguson Police Dept. was quite familiar with, and Wilson no doubt engaged in the practice many times.
You know, as a white person in Europe (caveat we have plenty of problems here, so not trying to minimise those in any way), this is what I don’t get. I really thought that Ferguson and the other horrors would be a turning point. That people would wake up and think what the fuck we can’t just go around shooting people…
I just... I mean we all know Wilson was a liar and a racist but this is just so blatant. So obvious. So... I really don’t even have words.
The sooner you realize Black lives don’t matter, the sooner you can find a piece of mind. Any other thought or reason only serves to stress and deteriorate the soul.
How many reporters rushed in to get “off record” information from Ferguson police officers? Only to then publish the tainted as truth.
Another problem, to me, was both candidates were younger and reasonably well-dressed. Put a 70+ obese woman in a garbage sack of a suit up there and see if people are as sympathetic. It’s the Tomi Lahran principle - people are more willing to accept dumb shit from a conventionally-attractive young female face.
Ah, but this is all inside our liberal bubble. What do those poor ignored white men in the Rust Belt think of this? Their perspective is apparently what counts, if I am to believe most of the handwringing I read post-election.
This whole thing was clearly calculated by her.
That Kander burn is fantastic. Chickenhawks like Schilling are the worst.