
I may be screaming into the void here but I need to let this out.

The fact that this article is behind a paywall is part of the problem. No Washington Post Democracy won’t die in darkness it will die behind a fucking paywall. You, The Boston Globe, NY Times & other outlets that people need to be reading should not be charging a fee to read these articles. There is a reason this

Maybe it has to do with the fact that you think an argument about whether there should be women character models in certain games is a fight of “good vs evil”.

Gaming got popular, and a subset of people who built their identity around gaming being non-popular are hostile of anything that gives it wider appeal.


If it’s aiming for the realism of war, the part where you abandon the rebels to be ethnically cleansed should be interesting.

PREACH! I always had fun as a kid unlocked extra characters in various games, and new game modes, and the like. Something about it felt fun, exciting, new.

20 years ago, we might’ve thought this headline referred to a masked martial arts expert peeing on a cocktail party without twitching.

I feel like they are maybe doing too much. In all the clamouring for a FF7 remake I don’t think anyone was asking for two Blu Rays discs to get through Midgar. At this rate how many games / hours is it going to take to get through the entirety of the story? Would it not have made more sense to do a straight remake

Sonic had a mixed CD in the 90s that was sold at Sam goody or The Wall and the first track was gangsters paradise..but you know The easter eggs are for old school fans..

And here’s example #3,596 of why I never self-identify as a gamer, despite loving video games and gaming being my favorite hobby. 

Because, as I explained in my comment that you certainly read and didn’t skip over at all, I like the presence of monsters in the world, but want to be able to establish safe spaces in the game (which has been one of the key components of the game since its start).

When I walk my Corgi and she stops to sniff something I say, “What are you smelling?!” And yes I’ve gotten some weird looks from my few neighbors in the past.

To this day, in certain company I’ll say “What’ya buyin’?” and it will always prompt a laugh. Definitely a memorable performance.

Just proof that if you think hard enough and get creative enough, you can make anything “offensive”.

I feel modern gaming is actually starting to pass me by, and I’m not that sad about it. Games as service, loot boxes, games that don’t work without a day one patch... these just make me want to play Super Mario Brothers.

Don’t give a shit if I get dragged for this, but:

Yay! A digital storefront for every game!

I’m going to toss my two cents into the overcrowded opinion fountain.

My opinion is based on two main points:
1.) Gamers are over-reacting, that’s kind of their thing.

Blizzard not expecting this does lend credence to their tone-deafness with their own audience, which they usually are good at understanding. Harassing the devs isn’t a justified response, but just complaining seems warranted to me.