
And they’re wrong. So fuck em. 

It’s a haircut dude. It’ll make your wife happy. Just do it.

because they branded themselves as vaguely funny, uber-devoted husbands.”

Except no one’s gonna give a shit about yours.

They’re writing it in character, just like the promotional materials for the game leading up to launch. When you open up the emails, it’s simply your play stats, written in Esposito’s character, who’s the villain of the game.

Calm down. This is just the usual promotional emails stuff. Many, many games do this if you check the box of “receive promotional emails” on their websites. No one is receiving this without their consent. Chillax.

Dude DC does the same shit. It's comics. It's all ridiculous and nobody should ever take any of it seriously.

Dying Ligjt and Dead Island arent L4D copycats. There are plenty of options for copycats but those games are not really similar other than they’re first person games with zombies. If anything they’re closer to copies fo Far Cry or Dead Rising. 

At risk of being an asshole, the best life hack is to skip In-N-Out and hit up a local burger joint. It’s highly overrated. 

There are a TON of new great games, I think you are just looking for a reason to complain

If that’s your criteria for new games, then that’s a you problem, not a “post-modernism” problem.

Also, thank GOD this wasn’t in slideshow format.

I hate living in Texas, but I can’t fucking wait to vote in the midterms. There’s a clear aim to drive people like me out of the state and haha! Jokes on you, dickheads! I’m going to vote, my wife is going to vote, we’re going to breed and raise wonderful, empathetic caring Texans who are gonna see right thorough your

Matching most of my feelings about the riders republic beta. By far the worst offender was the xtreme tude though. It felt so insincere and/or out of touch with 2021.

It’s a made-up language that happens to look exactly like Korean. OK, that makes sense.

Call it Johnny 9 - 5.

Not a mention of Rockstar’s best game anywhere to be found.

There used to be a wonderful website called Care2.  It was an activist site for petitions and such, which did some good work but I loved it for the groups forums.  Long story short I came across a troll named Jeffery who made my life a living hell.  It wasn’t enough to tolerate his right wing harassment, no Jeffery

I’m glad they were able to put this together so comprehensively. They didn’t deserve this at all, and 100% having a vocal woman at the forefront of the channel is part of the reason they were targeted.