
You’re absolutely right, and you also absolutely sound like a dick.

Why would anyone be disappointed by this game?

I’m correct in having done so. Good for me.”

No need to be a jerk about it. Damn.

Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a

It’s not really meant to be a whodunnit sorta detective show. The appeal is seeing how Columbo puts it all together. The whodunnit has its own appeal, of course, but ultimately it’s about execution more than anything. It’s quite easy to do either variety poorly.

Which was just another take on Harvest Moon.

I’m honestly pretty “meh” on a new GTA, but give me a Bully remake any day.

The comparison was made not to suggest they are similar people with similar impact, but to note how their statements are regarded as tone deaf in a way that they just haven’t been before. Hard to imagine a politician walking back a statement like the one Yang made a few years ago.

The best part about it is that they actually nerfed the maneuverability of the trucks a way back. It used to be even worse.

My editor thought of the very good joke “despawn the police” once it was too late for me to add it, so please enjoy it as a reward for looking at the comments.

If you want I can have my 13 year old son call you and explain the plot for like 4 hours.  You won’t understand anything more after but at least you can share in my pain.

Stomach sleepers have it the worst”

Or stop policing people talking about a popular film you weird goon

If we’re writing an obituary for The Division 2, it is ultimately missed potential.

I’d kill for a remaster of Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. It was so much damn fun and the soundtrack was great, too.

This is nice, I REALLY want a Remake or a part 3 of Mercenaries, that was one of the best”gta” style games. I believe the frostbite engine was built for it on top of the fact 3, I believe, was supposed to be made and took place in the Cold War.

So it’s just not possible that the Koreans have their own wide brimmed hat? Come on. And, please, complaining about China having stuff stolen is rich considering they rip off literally every bit of tech and IP on the planet.


You guys really have a hate boner for this game. It’s getting real annoying.