
respectfully 1000% disagree.

You guys really have a hate boner for this game. It’s getting real annoying.

There was not a single good thing about Nardole as a companion. He made watching doctor who very hard and then had to go and fuck up bake off too

but they’ve always done that.  Boba Fett was nothing.  Darth Maul got killed so quickly.  Lando was throw away.  the entire universe is stuff to be revisited later if the fans beg for it.

It’s funny, to read Kotaku, one would think that the Cyberpunk 2077 launch was an unmitigated disaster, yet everyone I talk to (even those on last gen consoles) are telling me that they enjoy the game and any issues they have run into have been minimal.

“Here is a 1000-word Think Piece about why I am mad that a popular character behaved exactly the way that a popular character like this character is expected to behave.”

While you don’t need to FEEL the hype, it’s absurd to make a claim that you don’t get it. Let’s look at a few of the things.

Galactus has hungered since 1966, long before Sinistar was even a gleam in his papas eye.

I’m Irish (dual like you) and none of what you said computes in my brain, sorry. No sympathy for the living symbols of imperialism here.

There’s so much to unpack when it comes to Americans deciding that other countries should overthrow their governments because we somehow know what’s best for the people of another nation? That’s just a new brand of colonialism, and it’s gross.

Lamenting? I said the CC was pretty good baring some weird specific choices. Beyond that, this article is saying “Wow since everyone’s making characters that look like themselves, maybe we should ensure that everyone has that ability.” Larian’s doing the bashing, not me.

“Stop politicizing everything” is something you should tell China. They do that all the time.

My wife and I entered our wedding reception to this song.  Her choice.  Two bits of evidence that I have made very good choices in my life.

I already got the deluxe edition last winter, which I like more than the Folio edition - three different people in Barnes & Noble stopped me to talk about it.

I was literally about to post a comment about that until I saw yours. In fact as soon as I saw the article title I was like, “I wonder if anyone called out that guy complaining about the same article about the XSX.”

I am not disappointed.

Right? Like god forbid they have a sense of humor for five seconds and relax.

That’s what I was thinking, I bet he feels stupid. What do you have to say for yourself now Rhapsodical?

Hey, where’s that brave hero who was calling out Luke’s and Kotaku’s supposed bias in the Xbox article? You reading this, ding dong? How’s that shoe taste?

Look, do you want a multitude of different ennemies in your videogame? Yes? Then just accept some separation between gameplay and narrative. In superhero stories, the convention is that nobody died unless specifically mentionned. If you can’t suspend your disbelief for this convention, then maybe the genre isn’t for