
Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and

Here’s what available:

I don’t typically get into custom design stuff but I spend a few hours last night recreating some Lurking Class clothes, which you’ve probably seen if you’ve ever been inside a Zumiez.

Hey, fuck you and your hot shit take.

Chocolate swastika?

Fuck yeah a British Indian playing an Arthurian knight!

I struggle with the knowledge that anyone ever found Ace Ventura Pet Detective funny, and while I love Dumb and Dumber, I’m far more likely to re-watch The Truman Show than one of Carrey’ slapsticks.

Bossk is legitimately my favorite character in the franchise—purely because he’s a large ****ing reptile man who wears a space suit and carries a grenade launcher.

I am genuinely saddened by this news. I kinda always hoped to meet Harris so I could show him my my giant Bossk collection. I like to think it’s probably a

Or maybe you could Google the character yourself, instead of being a demanding asshat.

Source material and colours come from where though?

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, wrong as they may be. 

Like with so many other stories, I am firmly Team Nobody on this one.

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

You had me until you said you hated Good Omens.

I am loving the sparseness of the scripts. So many series now wants to show how cool and clever they are with their dialogue. The Mandalorian is the complete opposite, it uses dialogue very sparingly and when it does its meaningful, helps the cast is stellar. Furthermore, the visuals are so rich and emotionally


A lot of people love Mrs. Maisel, including several millenials I know. It’s really grating when you treat your opinion as fact, Gita, especially when you are shitting on something. Calling it a “misstep” is far more condescending than saying something like, “that confused” or “bothered me”, or “I disagreed with

Actually “Napoleon Dynamite” (which came out in 2004) is one of my favorite movies, and I watched all six episodes of the show. No sarcasm intended.

There are, but it just doesn’t have the same draw as the old one - not sure what it is exactly, but I think it’s got something to do with the rewards and the progression being “improved”.