
Taste Test worked better when y'all were writing about it. Is it too late to say, "Don't turn into BuzzFeed"? :-(

IO Interactive making a John Wick game.

They lost me because of Geomancer too! All goodwill flushed down the loo.

I feel like these comics would last longer on the market if the people who cry foul when they get cancelled ACTUALLY bought them when they were being published.

What is happening in that DS3 clip? That looks ridiculous!

Rogue Trooper debuted in the 2000AD comic in 1981, so nope.

That’s a brilliant idea! I would buy those!

I’ve been waiting a year for this, literally the only game I’ve wanted to play on launch day for a while now, but my PC went and crapped itself a week ago. Your first impressions sustain me, Fahey! Thanks!

Instant pot calling the kettle black!

Instant pot calling the kettle black!

I love you guys, I never get tired of people slagging off movies they haven’t seen to gain too-cool-for-mainstream-crap cred.

Comedy is subjective. I like Conan’s shtick so yeah it works for me.

I’m not sure why’s everybody shitting on your comment when it’s helpful. Whatever, man. Happy holidays!

French recipes usually call for vinegar instead. You get a subtle tang instead of that overwhelming lemony taste.

No, your mum is so unpopular they’ve moving her to 12:30.

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Thanks! The full movie is online if you’re in the mood for Girardesque space western action. Unlike some of the other Filmation cartoons, it really holds up, I think partly due to the art direction.

Judge J.B. McBride (BraveStarr) with the bowler hat + gavel

The woman with the bowler hat and gavel is Judge J.B. McBride from Bravestarr! I love that cartoon.

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Hey maybe you’ll enjoy this. Vin plays D&D and gets super into it. It’s great.

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Bill Burr agrees that Oprah =/= patron saint

Up until 2 years ago, these were used as taxis in Singapore too. At one point there were 19,000 of these driving all around town. Sadly, strict emission standards meant they had to go. Sad. I like my taxis boxy-shaped.