
Square Enix literally pays Conan for him to come over and shoot a Clueless Gamer segment for his show. Do you think the SE marketing execs don’t know what they’re in for? They’ve also paid for him to cover Tomb Raider, another SE game. That got over 5 million views on YouTube. That’s what they’re after.

It’s so fun. Feels like a modern version of Thrasher: Skate & Destroy.

It’s totally worth it! I watched it in IMAX 3D the second time round, it made me regret not watching it in 3D in the first place. The psychedelic scenes really popped.

It’s funny how upset he is. Then he doubled down on it. Priceless.

You can fill out a longbox just from variant covers for the new Star Wars comics. If anything, it’s more widespread than back in the days.

I’ve played 200 hours and I still have yet to complete it. I’m taking it very slowly. It’s so fun to immerse one’s self in the witcher’s world.

That's oyster sauce + dark soy sauce.

Is this a reference to something? "Diu lei lo mo" is more accurate, for the next time you're cussing somebody's mom out.

Real Eye of Agamotto realise real lies.

Nobody cares about your stupid uncle either.

I stayed away for the longest time because I read some negative reviews. When I finally watched it, man... it’s so funny. Feels like a less smarmy version of Cabin in the Woods.

‘Melaka’ is the Malay name, but ‘Malacca’ is perfectly acceptable too! It’s like the difference between ‘Singapura’ and ‘Singapore’ :)

Saga #36. *ugly-cries*

If you can, pick up issues 13 and 14 of the Arcudi run. The late Seth Fisher filled in for Tan Eng Huat for a two-parter featuring the original team, and it’s such a fun story to read. Fisher’s art is amazing; I’m sad he passed away at a young age.

Man, fuck the Skellige deck, and fuck that tourney. That no-save condition forced me to waste 2 hours on it.

‘Aquila’ is kinda close to ‘Aquinas’, yeah? Shades of Deus Ex...

+1. As much as I love Hearts of Stone, Blood & Wine is even better. Toussaint felt like a holiday after the unremitting gloom of Velen and Skellige.

Adventures of Ciri: Neo-Tokyo 2284

Me, me, me, me.

Jesus, it’s not always about you. Ok we get it already, you’re not racist, but you ARE taking us away from the conversation about racism by inserting yourself into it.