Fiona Wallice Fan

As for best episode of the season, I personally enjoyed Clovis and Fishing the most.

But is it better?…. Yes. Yes it is.

It was strange seeing Pelant as the positive guy on Selina's team.

That was a real eye opening ending.

I recently began watching Louie, and I don't think I have ever laughed as much as I do watching this show. What would be your all-time favorite scene? My personal favorite (from what I've seen, so far) was in the first season when the plane Louie was on was about to crash.

Don't get me wrong, I like this show, but hopefully when it is over, Bryan Fuller can commit some time to doing a third season of Pushing Daisies.

I have always wondered this (It doesn't have anything to do with the show).

It's interesting how the amount of viewers for the major networks get lower every year, but Game of Thrones and other cable shows get larger audiences every season.

I just recently began watching Louie. Do you have a particular favorite episode? I don't mind skipping around in the show.

Who knew that demons were so vulgar?

What would be your Season Grade?

What episodes of The Simpsons do you feel are the most underrated?

This TV season has been atrocious. Dexter went downhill, Homeland wasn't very good, Modern Family and HIMYM weren't their best this year. I also stopped watching the Big Bang Theory, and a lot of shows out there I haven't seen yet. The only redeeming shows this year (That I can think of) has been Breaking Bad,

News that The Bachelor got renewed and all the shows cancelled today didn't makes me question my faith in humanity.

How would you rank the four major networks (CBS, FOX, NBC, and ABC) by who has the best shows?

I am disappointed that Trophy Wife got cancelled, but at least it ended as a good TV show, not one of those shows that has overstayed its welcome and everyone hates.

Where does this season rank with all the other seasons, in your opinion? I asked this earlier in the year (before it started getting all the A's), and a lot of people said that season five was the worst. Mine would be: 2 > 1 > 3 > 5 > 4

The best thing to come out of the next Star Wars movie, in my opinion, is another Plinkett review.

I haven't seen this show yet, but I would like to start. I just have one question: Is this a drama or a comedy?

This was the best episode of the series. What I liked most is that it is setting up a rivalry. The early parts of the show, sure, Selina had a small rivalry with Chung and Furlong, but now she has an enemy. The Dan and Amy rivalry is just beginning (at least I think it is).