Fiona Wallice Fan

There were so many great lines, but for me, my favorite was:

Ho-lee crap.

*Takes out list of singing competition shows*
*Crosses out the X Factor*

I am not going to make a funny comment about this. ("I thought that was the purpose of your comments".) Look, I respect everyones views. Just like when I get into a soft debate with someone on a forum. I don't down-vote them for voicing their opinions. I up-vote them for expressing them. But if someone is so offended

That photo almost looks like Enlightened.

How would you rank the seasons of Modern Family? For me, 2 > 1 > 4 > 3 > 5

I will be watching it online later, but I would like to know is there any Lily-bashing this episode?

I really miss seeing the classic simpsons grades, so what grade would you give this episode? For me, B+.

I don't know, I was really ON THE FENCE about this episode. [Crickets]

This is unrelated to the movie but what are some movies that deserves an F in your book?

Does anyone else find every character this season impossible to root for?

I felt the same way when they stopped grading the classic Simpsons episodes.

How would you compare this season (even though it's not over yet) to Asylum and Murder House?

This is off topic from the episode, but how would you rank the seasons of How I Met Your Mother, including this season so far? I am interested in seeing how this season ranks among the others.

"Saaantiago. Saaantiago. Santiago. Santiago. You suck so much…"

In case anyone is wondering why I call myself Fiona Wallice Fan, it is because of this show.

I saw the first two episodes of the season and they were great. A lot of people watch the show for the Matt LeBlanc stories, but I watch it for Sean and Beverly.

I know someone who told me that he watches 25 hours of porn a day. Wait a minute…

"Uh oh, I accidentally shipped the video from the ring back to Netflix instead of the movie we rented. I hope no one noticed."

The season grade is an F? I have to watch this.