
So what about jobs and the economy and social issues being a distraction? That’s what these clowns always say in elections but when they get in power it’s time to shit all over women and minorities. Gotta make sure we can’t control our reproduction. Gotta make sure some women can’t piss in peace. Gotta make sure we

Is it still Unconstitutional in the eyes of a more conservative Supreme Court whose members believe life begins at conception?

One somewhat bright spot about Tillerson: under his leadership Exxon has focused their community development funds (read money governments demand Exxon spend on development in exchange for oil resource access) on education and entrepreneurship among women, for the very business focused reason that investment in women

As a Canadian, I am so fucking sorry that your reproductive rights are under constant assault. I am exhausted watching; I cannot imagine how it feels to be on the ground.

Eh, I think it’s one of those things that is just seen as “can’t possibly lose” to a Republican in a state legislature. The truth is that state legislators are effectively in a game of whack-a-mole: so long as they stay low and never get noticed, they can make themselves a comfortable living and have almost no risk of

Most women don’t even realize they’re pregnant that early, especially if they aren’t actively trying to get pregnant. Let’s all remember that six weeks gestation means six weeks since the start of a women’s last period, not six weeks since fertilization.

Am I the only one who feels like this article does a fairly poor job of outlining the meaning and political implications of this request? This is what we are relying on the media to do in the Trump era; please be explicit in explaining why these requests are potentially dangerous for readers who may not understand the

They WANT lawsuits. Bills like this aren’t passed for the sake of their own legislation, they’re passed as attempts to reach the supreme court and set precedent for overturning Roe v. Wade and once Trump appoints a new Justice and the rest of them start coraking over the next few years that’s likely what’s going to

The Ohio House needs 60 votes to override a veto; 56 legislators voted in favor of the Heartbeat Bill and, as Rosenberger noted, “two members absent that would have voted for the bill.”

This is the kind of shit that worries me. We’ve been conditioned to worry about the loud and proud stuff Trump will do. I worry about the subtle, insidious shit.

This is like when you’re a kid and you keep jumping off the dresser hoping with each leap that you’ll fly like Superman, isn’t it? I mean, even conservative courts have ruled time and time again that this is too far.

My opinion is that you need a heart to have a heartbeat. And since the heart is not defined in the bill, it should default to commonly accepted language (4 chambered organ that pumps blood). Not formed until week 12-16.

Call your family’s state senator & rep and tell them that you are against this bill and support abortion access. It means more coming from “real” constituents, so invite your fam to call too (if they roll that way, I’d get prayed over if I asked). There are some active FB call to action groups that post

Well they decimated abortion access in Texas and it didn’t hurt republicans in the election. People love to vote against their own self-interests.

As the saying goes, in times of chaos, the rights of women and minorities are the first to go. These fringe groups are just waiting in the wings for their chance.

I’m in Columbus with family for the holidays. I’d like to be of service while here, heading back to Brooklyn Wednesday. Just point me in the right direction.

You know what? If this is the hill the Ohio GOP wants to die on, they can fucking have at it.

Does it stipulate the means used to “detect” the heartbeat? Could your doctor just be like “nope don’t hear anything” from across the room while he’s listening to music on his iPod? I find it hard to imagine that republican law makers included any sciency technical whoosie-what’s-it about women’s health. Pretty sure

As the paper points out, “many of the programs were begun or were championed by Hillary Clinton” while she was Secretary of State.

If you’re a women and you voted for Trump, I hope you are ready for Pence’s barefoot and pregnant agenda. In the Reich young females were expected to bare children for the good of Germany, I hope you don’t have any plans for the next 18 years.