
"I don't know if it's the air or possibly jet lag, but I was hoping for more than a handshake." That never happens to me.

Haha, wow, I thought I was the only one with parents who still send chain letters and urban legends. It'll have been forwarded a hundred times by the time they get to me. Usually there's some sort of attachment which I assume is spyware or a virus and delete it immediately. Actually, I setup Yahoo to instantly send

My uhh, my iPhone 4 actually does make calls can cross that one off.

These girls are all cute and all, but damn does J-Pop and K-Pop make me want to blow my friggin' head off. Right off.

I hope some third-world country catches all these dudes and properly castrates them. Why hack into the websites of Videogame companies when you can hack into the websites of religious extremists trying to recruit people to blow up buildings? They have the right idea, but the wrong execution. They should be using their

Blackberries are boring and they're for old people. That slick interface on that iOS with all of it's new fangled apples are too confusing for the old folks at the old folks home.

But I still love them for the things they have given to me for free.

"I need ARTISTS!"

I just turn my phone's really easy, they made a button to do that. Then I use my fingers to press that button...oh wait, I've made it sound more complicated than it really is.

"I need artists!!!"

None of them, thankfully.

Oh that's just Andromeda....its heading straight for us.