
I’d be more worried about him having a bunch of illegitimate kids than having no kids.”

It’s really revealing about the politics of UK punk that the Sex Pistols weren’t ‘just being yobs’ when they were being rude to Bill Grundy in that famous interview, they were standing up for their teenage friends that Grundy was being disgusting towards.

Not only did Rotten call him (Saville) out, the BBC banned him from any of their programs for daring to smear Saville’s name.

John Lydon of the Sex Pistols also accused Saville in a BBC interview in 1978. And  before in 1976, Steve Jones called out BBC host Bill Grundy for being a creepy pervert around the girls who were accompanying the Sex Pistols.

The end result of their loopholes is that only wealthy women can legally obtain an abortion there because they won’t need anyone’s help to pay to travel out of State or get abortion pills or what have you.

Hope everyone understand the assignment come 2024.

“We want to protect the lives of children!”

This is the horrifying state of affairs in the U.S. I am a faculty member and used to teach at a Big Name Public University. I taught lecture courses of 240-500 people in ginormous lecture halls with multiple entrances. Luckily for most rooms we could lock the doors so people couldn’t enter, but we could still exit. I

Josh Kushner

He said on an American chat show that he only ever gets nominated for a Critic’s Choice award in the years where people reinvent the genre (Nanette and Inside).

Go back and read about the 1992 police riot at City Hall that he was part of instigating. It has a lot of parallels to and is prescient to what he ramped up on January 6th. 

The whole beginning of that show, bathed in trans pride colours is a masterpiece, plus the whole section on mental health was great too.

How old are you? That sentiment, or some form of it, has been around forever.

Blake Bortles!

Dear God: Please give back Sinéad & take this one instead.

Off I go to listen to it.

he wrote an incredible song in her honour: Sister Sinead.