Maude’s Dilemma. 1972.
Maude’s Dilemma. 1972.
In that header photo, it’s one of the Melania doubles, right?
In your list of the state-by-state fallout of Dobbs, I didn’t see mention of the 10 year old Ohio girl who had to go across state lines to obtain abortion services. In post-vote interviews I heard, her case was cited as a reason to ensure the Measure 1 failed.
Would love to hear their take on women being reimbursed for traveling/taking time off for breast reconstruction post-mastectomy.
Donald Trump has never changed a diaper.
So, Idaho is about to lose a bunch of professors of bioethics and medicine and related fields.
I’d love to see the numbers of Ob-Gyn practitioners who’ve left the state. I know that this is happening in other states where abortion access has been curtailed and where the laws are clear as mud as to what medical personnel can/can’t do.
To be honest, I didn’t even register the trans pride colours in it; gonna need to rewatch with that in mind (I rewatch CLHM every six months or so, so not much of a bother there). I also love Acaster’s framing of Brexit as a crappy restaurant experience. And -elsewhere- as a cup of tea (it’s better/stronger if the…
Glad someone mentioned Acaster. I’m a tiny bit conflicted about whether such a list should include CLHM1999 or Acaster’s 4-part Netflix special. Gonna go w/ CLHM, if only because of the ‘brave little cis boy’ bit.
“A BLACK gay trans abortion doctor who moonlights as a drag queen storyteller whilst melting your guns down....”
So, on the same bench as MTG & Boebert?
I can get behind this; it’s something I’ve wished for for many years at this point. Though I’d’ve gone w/ two Senate terms and six for the House.
Was going to say the same thing. Then I realized it’s really not so much a pipeline anymore, since they’ve just moved the location of the prison into the schools.
Oh I get it; you’re right. Some were in her corner. I recommend finding the footage of that event (IIRC it’s shown in the Showtime doc Nothing Compares. It warms my cold, cold heart each time I see it.
Some folks did support her at the time (EDIT: this is from the 30th Anniversary Dylan show, MSG, 16 October, 1992):
This one really hurts. I knew Sinéad very very briefly during secondary school (she was a few years ahead of me). I remember being in awe of her and a bit afraid of her and amazed at her talent all at the same time. Even then, we all knew she had ‘something’. Go back and listen to Lion & the Cobra; when you do,…