
Speaking of 45*’s children:

The headline has me all:

Joe McCarthy must be spinning in his grave with all this GOPPutin love-fest going on.

Yep. It’s the medical equivalent of NYC/NYS being donor municipalities. We send more $$ to Washington than we get back. WRT Covid-19, we did/are still doing all the hard work so the rest of the country could learn from our experiences. (Though I do have to say that I see a whole lot of dopus behaviour out in the park

I know this isn’t the point of your comment, so please forgive me: am I the only person who says Keir Starmer’s name to the tune of Snow’s Informer

But, but, but.... think about the poor squirrel!


Paraphrasing #RBG herself:

((((Hugs)))) No words, just hugs.

Merrick Garland

THIS!!! So much this.

Are those stars or gleaming Peruvian flake?

I and a very dear friend who I’ve known since my days of debauchery tried very hard to emulate Patsy and Eddie. Fun times!

Oh goddess! Thanks for the laugh. I actually did LOL. Don’t do that too often these days.

I also know nothing about the Care Bears, but allow me to offer up:

Even on her absolute(-ly fabulous) worst day, Patsy Stone would never, never, never, ever look this worn!

Glad to see Jim Cramer’s still got a tight relationship with his cocaine dealer.

Thanks for asking; I had the same question.

*Except Graham Norton. I don’t know why but that show is hilarious.