
You’re not alone.  While she & Sanders both wanted very progressive programs to be enacted, she actually put pen to paper and figured out the details.

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” she continued as he exited the stage. “He’s got that Trump DNA.”

Or, since Puerto Rico is a part of the USA, perhaps he married for his Green Card?

Back on November, I shared this on an SNS post, when I was needing a touch of Jezebel support (which I got in buckets; y’all are awesome!!).

For more on Kushner’ “Tier 1 Predator” status, read the NY Times article:

Can confirm (former bartender/server). Not just the aforementioned squats-to-pee, but also those who don’t know how to clean up after splashy tampon removal. (And I say this as someone who, when she had a uterus, from time to time would purge practically a crime scene from my nethers.

What’s the male equivalent of “Karen”? Cause I bet a very large portion (probably the majority) of these complaints came from men. Men who felt a stirring in their Holland and had to blame someone else for it.

“The half time show was very sexual in nature. I have never seen so many sex poses outside porn magazines,” another complainant with a presumably rather boring sex life wrote.

And there’s the new name they should us for their ‘brand: H&M. I bet nobody else is using it...

I know “Ko Shamus” is a likely typo for Ko Sharmus. Tis a funny one, considering the Irishness.  (Seamus/Shamus)

I’ve seen people watching porn on the subway .I also recall seeing someone on the Expressway driving, watching on their phone clipped into the vent on the dashboard.

Early 90s; Tower Air; LGA>MIA.

Well, you know that it was only recently that providing menstrual products in schools for free became a law in parts of the USA. Some parts of this country are undeveloped, if only in how they’re governed.

Your comment (the fascinating pattern of lil blood droplets) reminds me of the time years ago, when I had a uterus* and I slept a little too hard and didn’t notice that my always-present bleeding had reared its ugly head during the night and I woke up to my husband shaking his head muttering about a crime scene.

Clearly, the word ‘natural’ has ceased to have any real meaning...

I’m also side-eyeing “haunting”. Unless it’s from years ago, that’s not the kind of word 45* would use. and even then it probably wasn’t in his vocabulary.

Oh, about 3-4 months back there was some hi-test, class-A, first-rate twitter warring between Nancy Sinatra and some celeb 45* fan whose name I forget ATM. It wasn’t James Woods, but someone similar to him. It was a wonder to behold at her comments.

Ooh, hadn’t thought about the cactus’s rights.  Hmmm.

My vagina involuntarily clenches up everytime I read a news story about anyone in this godforsaken administration.

.,. with a cactus.