
I have a special place in my heart for Phoenix Park.

It’s a fairly common (if somewhat homophobic) insult in the UK and in Ireland.

Deerfield (the US Ambassadors official residence) is also just a 15 minute drive to Farmleigh, the location where Pence met with an Taoiseach. And about 12 minutes of that is within Phoenix Park.

I posted this elsewhere yesterday, regarding Pence staying in Doonbeg.

Imagine flying across the Atlantic and having the opportunity to stay in Deerfield Residence (the US Ambassador’s residence; I think that the Veep would normally stay there), which is smack dab in the middle of Phoenix Park, one of the most beautiful parks in Dublin, and having to fly across the country to stay in the

Must be something in the air. I too have had a migraine this weekend. Started on my drive home Friday evening (started losing sight as I was driving: YIKES!).

From the linked NY Times article:

My go-to is “with a cactus”.

“The Trump administration absolutely opposes discrimination of any kind and supports the equal treatment of all...”

So, here’s my updated casting list for when they make the movie of our current time:

210 minutes? That’s 207 minutes longer than most Irishmen last!!!

Susan Collins Is Awfully Sad No One Wants to Vote for Her

Was just about to ask this very same question.

I forget which pundit it was who said this; within the past week I heard some cable news person say this: with Merkel nearing retirement and with Johnson & 45 very much in retreat, Macron is the de facto ‘leader of the free world’. Perhaps Bolsonaro is feeling a touch jelly.

Don’t forget your towel.

I’m the youngest of four children of European parents who immigrated to the US (via Canada). They weren’t refugees, my Dad had a good job offer in Canada, so they moved there and then he got a good job offer in NYC, so they moved here. My Dad was -as a child- a WWII refugee from Poland to England. They were probably

Got any room for a fourth on the swoooooooon couch?

Between Kelly’s show mentioned above airing in 1958 and South Pacific’s “You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught” being from a 1949 musical, it seems we keep repeating the same old b/s homophobia/misogyny/racsim/... .

There’s more than enough room for two musicals. For ‘classic’ musicals, our ‘jukebox’ contains these two aforementioned, along with South Pacific & On The Town.

You’re so right! I hang my head in shame!