Oh my God this is so accurate! I read Atlas Shrugged, the Fountainhead & Anthem when I was a teen and thought they were good - for about the length of time it took to read them. Afterwards, not so much.
Oh my God this is so accurate! I read Atlas Shrugged, the Fountainhead & Anthem when I was a teen and thought they were good - for about the length of time it took to read them. Afterwards, not so much.
My father has recently been suggesting to whomever will listen that in addition to the minimum age of 35 years of age to become POTUS, there should be a maximum age. He hasn’t landed on a specific number, but has at various times said 65 & 70. I give you exhibits 1 (45) & 2 (Biden) to shore up his argument.
I feel the same way and have wished Beto would’ve gone for Cornyn’s seat since he lost to Cruz. However, at this point, since MJ Hegar announced that she’s going to fight for Cornyn’s seat, I fear Beto’s missed that ship.
Ah yes. Trump is Schrodinger’s candidate: simultaneously ‘telling it like it is’ and ‘well that’s not quite what he meant’.
So, between the El Paso shooting and Van-Van’s tweet, you wanna guess what 45 was doing? He was crashing yet another wedding at Bedminster. Dud/e can’t even pretend to be upset by this shit.
You missed a word there, let me fix it for you please:
Some of the responses to Van-Van’s tweet are gold.
You're off by 2%: they're jizz tissues 100% of the time.
This is what really concerns me. There have already been credible death threats on Rep. Omar. There has already been that (thankfully failed) MAGA bomber sending pipe bombs via USPS. There have already been multiple Trump-/MAGA-inspired mass shooters. People have already been killed by his acolytes; more likely will…
I thought that the epic breakup between the two sleazes was due to Epstein wanting to take Ivanka’s virginity.
Didn’t one of the survivors of Las Vegas get shot & killed in Thousand Oaks?
A couple of years ago someone commented on an article on Jezebel (I think it was Jezebel) something I found so funny I copied it into my notes app:
Have you been watching Years and Years (BBC/HBO)? It’s almost like watching a future documentary with today as the starting point.
...with a cactus.
The Washington Posted tweeted about this. Some of the responses to that tweet were simply awful.
Then there’s this:
I was 43 when I learned to drive. My lessons were all in the industrial areas of Long Island City in Queens. The roads there are really narrow & there were lots of 18-wheelers. Best kind of place to learn if you ask me.
Please don’t forget one of the earliest on-TV depictions of a woman having an abortion: Maude. The episode was called Maude’s Dilemma, and it aired in 1972. Roe was decided in 1973.