That last quoted Tweet from Davis is chilling, especially the end:
That last quoted Tweet from Davis is chilling, especially the end:
Along with Bobby, Crispyfur, three08 & three08's husband, I make five renters. When do we leave?
I used to live in Western Queens, next district over from Crowley’s (in Maloney’s district). I was amazed to see Crowley running ads on TV. Your comment about the door-to-door visits ties out to the ad buy.
newcareer isall about not getting the point.
So, with the hosts walking through ‘the door’ to the green meadow (in their heads anyway) which is actually them falling into a canyon, does this mean they’re now in “The Good Place” which is actually The Bad Place? Should we expect Michael & Eleanor & Chidi to wander along?
A couple of months back George Will (this was before he wrote his recent “please vote Dem” piece) said something along the lines of “if the blue wave comes to pass in ’18", it’ll be the end of the Democratic party. It’s possible he meant Republican, but I think his logic was akin to what you’re saying here w/r/t Ds…
I’m a tiny bit confused here. Refusing to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple because it ‘offends your morality” is okay, but refusing to serve a representative of the government* which has torn families apart because you’re offended by that policy is not okay? Hmm. Okay.
* I don’t know if this truly fits the…
Recently expressed, but always felt.
Absolutely. Shirley Chisolm would certainly fit the bill. I should’ve thought more before posting. Thanks.
Ah yes, a quick “Professor Google” check shows that they’re in the works. THANKS!
There’s a thread at the Alt-Immigration twitter account that’s filled with “we’re 100% NOT telling you...” which is very funny. I’m blocked from twitter at work; I’ll try to remember to link to it later.
I know that some of the leaders of the Suffragette movement are not remembered as entirely enlightened, but it would be nice to see that commemorated. And I feel like a bad NYer because I don’t know for certain if it has or has not been yet.
Sorry, gonna bring/keep you down here:
I saw someone comment that he’s not hugging it so much as he’s choking it. Which was interesting considering how often choking is an early method of abuse in DV cases. Essentially we’re in an abusive relationship with 45.
Not very.
This may be my drink from a while back: seltzer/cranberry, lime. (It’s my go-to hot weather non-alcohol beverage.) It’s not quite that hot here now: 92°. Last night said friend was drinking a “Long Island City Iced Tea” which is a Long Island Iced Tea with bourbon added.
I was out with my SIL and some other friends last night (we started the night at the previously mentioned bar) and one of them was drinking with the pasta straw. The same one that’s got celiac disease and therefore cannot have gluten. I don’t think that this one drink would do harm; it was funny that she’d be the one…
My brother & sister-in-law own a bar. You have to ask the server to include a straw with your drink if you want one. They use paper straws for the most part, but they also use pasta straws.
I internet love you!
Thank you very fucking much for putting that image in my brain!