THIS! So much this! I know you’re not quite saying this same thing but 45 & his entire family & close circle seem to be 100% (1000%?) incurious. To my being incurious is one of those unforgivable things.
To your point, this was reported just yesterday:
Please... .... someone show Giuliani the photos of Melanie when she did porn.
Amazing (though not surprising) that he’d prefer to hang with Dictator Kim than Trudeau, Merkel, and May.
Regarding this:
She’ll fail upward: 45 will ask her to replace Sessions.
So, Melanie’s nudie photo doesn’t count as a woman selling her body for sexual exploitation?
When I first saw the headlines about Merkely I thought that this should be the next mass-action event after the Women’s March and the March for our Lives. If on the same day all across the country people could descend upon these ICE centers where these children are being held, what would the coverage look like?
See, what I’d love is for the press pool to do this:
In a day, make that a week, nope, should be a month, (seeming) lifetime of crazypants stories, this may be the crazypantsiest.
I think that one iota of a detail gets lost in his frail addle-pated brain.
1. This past week seals it: 100% shitshow.
When I lived in Ireland (’84 - ’88) watching it with friends or family was like a ritual. When I brought my husband home to Ireland I showed him an episode and he fell in love (with both the show and with Carol Vorderman). I love that it’s so straightforward in its rules.
I miss Countdown!!!
Regarding boundaries, for parents: please don’t ask/tell your child to hug someone hello or goodbye. It’s all about agency. The kid’ll know who s/he wants to hug/touch.
Well, you know the saying: when the going gets tough, the privileged, pampered fraudster walks away from the uncomfortable questions leaving her press lackey to to answer them.
She has had a long time perfecting her craft. Remember back when idiots made fun of her looks (when she was a tween ferchrissakes!!!) and she couldn’t respond? She’s been storing all that up for deployment at just the right time.
You forgot birther. She is a birther right?