Thanks Surprise Puma for making me cry on a Monday morning.
Thanks Surprise Puma for making me cry on a Monday morning.
To be honest, I’m not sure there is such a thing as true justice here (or in similar cases). My comment wasn’t entirely well thought out. I have many thoughts on cases such as this.... they’re jumbled.
Sounds like a hectic night!
Never since he became a public figure. Probably very rarely when he was a private citizen. He’s clsss through & through, as is his wife.
I’m 4 yrs, 7 mos a widow. I still from time to time feel that way: nuclear war? Meh. BUT! I feel it far less now than I did 4 yrs ago. I don’t think there are stages of grief (this implies completion is somewhere down the road; after 35 yrs since my Mum died & I’m still not done grieving her); rather, there are…
IIs this in connection to Obama & Melania at the funeral? I think he’s showing remarkable class & civility considering that she perpetuated the birther bullshit. Unless he’s saying, under the smile, “wanna see my birth cert?”
Copied from anotherif my posts upthread:
Get out, have fun. Report back.
For baby showers I always buy gifts for Mum: spa treatments, toiletries baskets, etc. I figure Mum needs to take care of herself sometime too.
I’m starting the decorating process for my own kitchen and I need a small table w/ chairs. I would like to go with bar/counter height. If you (Maria, or the rest of the Jez-verse) find a nice small option, please let me know.
Thank you. I’ve been having grammar/spelling issues with my colleagues at work (non-native English speakers) and I’ve been particularly aware of these typos these past few weeks.
This is an awful story and I hope there is true justice for these women.
I’ve heard at least two dentists say that water flossing is better than thread flossing. I use both: they’ve each got their benefits.
Hey now! We didn’t want him. (Either of them in fact.)
There’s a theory, put forth by Dreamy Lawyer Avenatti that Hannity being Cohen’s “Client #3" is so that conversations he had with Cohen &/or Trump &/or both of them will be covered by privilege.
You can’t fire me.... I quit!!!
When I was growing up, if I spoke improperly, my Mum would give me a swift back of the hand to the side of my head (figuratively, more like a side-eye). She was okay with us cursing; incorrect grammar not so much.
If only they could do a Mother/Daughter treatment. Mary Sr. was one helluva feminist philosopher.
The brand’s Social Media Manager said (emphasis mine):