These folks who started in 8th and 9th grade — TOTAL late bloomers!
These folks who started in 8th and 9th grade — TOTAL late bloomers!
This is weird, but I started masturbating and having orgasms at, seriously, 3 or 4.
Oh, please tell me you guys are going to continue weekly coverage of this show here. The AV Club announced that they’ve dropped it from their regular TV coverage, and I don’t think my heart could take it if you do, too.
I think it is very emotionally mature to realize who you love. He was the one who needed a clue. Why give someone else a “shot” and risk hurting them, just to conform to herd behavior? I commend this woman for her fortitude, it will serve her well all o her life.
If I ever found out that my kid was barking at another child (and they weren’t playing Pound Puppies)—let alone at SCHOOL—I would destroy them. I actually don’t think I’d have words to express how disappointed I’d be in them. I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. Ugh.
This tripe is the whore of Babylon, the single catalyst that created the current culture of promiscuous, irreverent, uneducated, entitled youth that squirms to Miley Cyrus and the biebs. She is unattractive, has no voice, and embodies the narcissistic, parasitic wave of humanity that consumes without conscience. I…
Why would anyone sign that? What a dum-dum.
Facial tattoos are a turnoff for me, and he’s way too pretty for me also.
Not to mention he’s probably as dumb as a bag of hammers.
It’s the same reason I can never fully get on board with Ellen DeGeneres and Miley Cyrus. Both have have shady situations with pets in the past.
The worst are all the 20-year-old “bohemians” with dreadlocks who use their dogs to help them ask people for spare change.
That’s legitimately sociopathic behavior. She is such an ass.
Also, too:
I can only imagine the artisanal vegan/organic/smallbatch dogfood that poor pup was fed. I would have resorted to drinking my own piss too.
I loathe her so completely.
Apparently, she’s ugly on the inside too
I hate people that use pets as props.
Ugh, ugh, ugh. I hate her so much. I have no idea what she did to that poor dog before replacing him with two new puppies, but I bet she did SOMETHING.
Isn’t it called The Hammaconda?
John Mayer is so gross. I really don’t get the attraction.