
God knows, we won’t be shed of this idiot until she face plants for the last time. She has expired her limited saleability, no more coupons for her. Relegated to being a paid consort for years, she is so stupid that she thinks any of her proclamations would be of any attention. She is old now, there are new, much more

She is the most talented musician that I have never found the least bit interesting. Too much noise, too many props, not enough music. I did like her national anthem.

All garbage, courtesy of Seacrest, sell your SOUL services. I still think I support Kourtney because she is not deformed.

I call my black cat Spawn, but now he is SPOON!

Jasmine, Spider, Calamity, Fuzzball, Romeo, Juliet, Seamus (Shamu, Shame). Arthur, Pookie, Kiwi, Spawn.

Peewinator! AKA Peewee Olympic Surprise!


For the last 15 years

too easy


Kidman is the biggest offender IMHO. One is not gifted with fiery red curls, then do what she has done over the years. No comment on the facial puppetry. Her hair was epic, such a shame!!!

I guess I am nobody to you. I saw August Osage County, because of the cast, not JUliaR. I found it well acted but not my cup of tea, very dark.

Many many stars for you, friend.

Why don’t they program a message into new auto computers, that says CHECK vehicle for CHILDREN and PETS when you exit???

My sister and hubs filled in their pool when they had kids. House value suffered, kids are now grown.

Cliche compost. Respect the English language.

Because he is a very talented, intelligent humane man.

Political morons, they just had to be jerks. So glad the men showed up, and showed how real Americans honor our flag.

If you have no moral core values by the time you get to college, something is wrong/missing in your thought process. There is right and wrong, there is selfishness and charity. It is not hard to say no to opportunists, or to reject morally bankrupt individuals. Choosing a thoughtful life path enhances self esteem.

Peeps need to find some real adventure in life.