
I love Olenna! I love how she goes toe to toe with Cersi. You can tell she has something up her sleeve.

I'm waiting for my chance

What is wrong with these people??! How dare they? Netflix

God!! He sounds like that ex boyfriend you dumped awhile back when you were in your 20’s who won’t leave you alone regardless of you moving on with your life. This guy is just coming on as whiny and annoying as fuck. What court in their right mind is going to accept his argument? Plus, what’s going to happen when she

I love their clothes but the prices are crazy. I saw a red plaid button up shirt for $90 . That's nuts. It's way overpriced.

I also notice that they only ask rich white celebrities to do this. Odd.

It's official!! I'm in love. The song is dope and you have dark sista who is representing. More please!



Love this!!!

Why do rich people feel the need to eat like “normal” people as some sort of experiment? Who are they trying to fool?

this is fucking awesome!!!!! I just watched her documentary on Netflix, all I can say is , she is a fucking bad ass. I want her to be my bff.

really? But she doesn't seem weird.

Her hair look amazing in every picture.

The original Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movie trilogy is way better than the American version.

I loved that show!!! I watching it on Netflix right now.

I love these two!!! They are so cute on Nashville

love this!

After hearing a story like this, this is why I'm for the death penalty.

his work sounds like porn by really crappy