
this is the kinda shit I hate. I use to be a server and I would see this type of behavior all the time. I don't understand what people get out of this. Servers make between $2.13 - $2.33 an hour depending on the state. Servers rely on customers tips to make a living. This customer is just a dirtball. Why would he brag

This guy sounds like a douche. This just sounds like a really crappy book. I'll pass.

I have no shame about watching that show. I was watching parts of it on you tube.

I don't think anybody should be sending death threats over a TV show but I can understand their anger. People of color take Greek life seriously. I've seen the show and all they do is bicker and argue. It does show poor representation of Deltas and AKA.

damn!!!!!! He got the beat down of the week

what is white Hispanic?

Charlie sheen is Hispanic

thank you! I use to be a bartender/ server for 6 years and i am pretty surprised that they still have their jobs

omg! I'm dying right now. Lol

this law is so fucking stupid! When you are pregnant, they make you do an ultrasound anyway. What's the point in making it a law?

Why hasn't this creep been arrested yet? Why would he admit this to People Magazine?

I don't like TLC but I will watch this show because Margaret Cho is my boo.

this episode kept me on edge but I couldn't shake the feeling of Gemma still manipulating him to the very end. Plus, I felt so sorry for Juice. The pie scene just tugged at my heart strings

That's such a dick move. Those are his kids. I feel like if there is any issues take it up with their parents. What a bitch!

this mother probably knew her son was a little shit that could do something like that

Fuck off with your comment! You're probably one of those people that thinks it's ok to send messages to random women saying they should get raped.

OMG! I get that people get falsely accused but this woman screenshot the messages he sent to her . He's an asshole for saying something like that. How many messages do women have to receive in order for a woman to act out.

It would. You don't treat women like that. Period. That man wouldn't want some guy doing that to his mother. I would slap the shit out of my kid and turn him into the cops. Men have to understand that a woman's body is her property. That person has no right to invade that woman's body. What her son did was deeply

because clearly this woman has evidence which she showed