
I’m shocked Marchand stuck around for the handshake line.

Name and posting history checks out, on point.

Wow, this one really triggered the simps and dips of the so-called right.

The winnowing of talent, exactly, and sadly, I suspect it happens too early. I wonder how many good players didn’t bloom until they hit an age that wouldn’t be possible now. I think in today’s rat race, if you aren’t totally devoted by 10 or so, you might end up being a good beer leaguer, but any other aspirations

I think via hoverparents/bulldozer dads/medusa moms, it is specialization at 8 years old. It’s not like back in our day, it is much more intense, and insanely more expensive. I often wonder how many potentially good players are being passed over or left out due to the 21st century developmental frenzy, and how many

Perfect take, I think it really does work that way.

Maybe inheritance elite Jacobs greased some palms.

If there was the laughable idea of karma, Marchand would have been removed years ago, and Jeremy Jacobs wouldn’t be with us (not to mention 95% of Bruins fandom).

Sounds like she still had it together.  Mine still watches Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy almost every night - she has slowed down a little (stopped driving 3 or 4 years ago, now hires someone to do her yardwork), but is still sharp, and is determined to live out her days in the original owner house where’s she’s been

I recall my great-grandmother was like that in her 90s.  My grandma is still going strong in her 90s, and has a lovely script, she never prints.

That and a sign of his beloved generation, perhaps. My mom, also in her 70s, also writes like that when printing (usually writes in cursive).

Yeah all those shootings in the parking lot at Hawks games.

One mixes uppercase and lowercase, the other does not. Guess who? Ugh

What goes around comes around?

Virtually no players who make it to even a low level of junior or college hockey started playing organized hockey after the age of ~8. People who’ve never hit the ice don’t grasp the dedication and practice it takes to play at at elite level.

Pretty sure NCAA requires it due to balance sheet/liability concerns, just as Junior A and above doesn’t for machismo reasons.

Look at this turd:

I couldn’t tell you what that means :)

Maybe because most Bruins fans, several players, and ownership are objectively awful and loathsome?

On Barstool because of course.