
You know that after a certain point, there’s virtually always an inverse relationship between age and performance. Right? Age matters.  

He’s going to be 35 this year. Passing the big 3-0 can result in at least marginal or worse losses in productivity. Bodies age/become more injury prone and slow down with time.

I never said that. You said he was “no longer good at hockey”. Declining (but still decent esp for his age) stats support none of that claim, so one might assume you have deeper insight into some part of the game. Of course, you don’t, and are just pulling it out of your derriere via a quick glance at a stats sheet.

The one on the left is fake, correct?

Not sure which “statistics” show he is “no longer good at hockey”.   But someone with your playing and scouting experience can probably teach me a thing or two.

Pretty sure you lack the knowledge, credentials, and experience to make that judgment.

These examples of surplus population shouldn’t have their emails redacted.

These old goat SOBs like Torts and Burke who cut their teeth on 70s hockey can’t be gone soon enough.  

Torts is involved, shocking.  That he hasn’t had his head bashed up a bit is mystifying.  

You mean someone like Brian Burke didn’t get hired over and over due to knowledge and credibility?

An entitled good old boy of that demographic whining?  No way!

Why bother? Half the officials and 99% of the suits don’t seem to read it.

Funny, I’d wager it isn’t settled at all.  I’d also wager that analysis maybe wasn’t made after watching the clip.

Don’t feel - think.  For once.  Please.

Actually, it is a set of hollow rituals.

Clarke is a curse.

These emails really need full headers, just because.

You should see Seattle/Bellevue/Vancouver, now speculative real estate havens,

“Seattle Chill” might work on a few levels.

We were heading there years ago, and it is no doubt only getting worse with the current regime: