Armchair D-man spotted.
Armchair D-man spotted.
Who too, could be a real ahole.
Apparently you have never read the constitution. Most of you surplus population who likes to preach it is in a similar position. Yep, another hole from MA, if you know what I mean. I sincerely doubt anyone is reading either of our arguments, so your point, much like your life, is moot.
MA huh, that explains it. It explains a lot. Not sure what part of the constitution specifies impotent simps need to indulge in firearm fetishes in some bizarre idea that they need protection, but more power to ya.
LULZ I hit the trigger of the ammosexual snowflake.
LOL look at that posting history. I didn’t know this place linked to Breitbart or Daily Caller.
LOL well played, a “your mom” joke from one who uses both “my girl” and is a gun fetishist. Nice work.
What girl would want you?
Look at the turd’s posting history. This is real surplus population.
Don’t take your deplorable illiteracy and unwillingness to learn out on others.
What constitutes proof for someone of your advanced knowledge and credentials? Just curious.
Look at its posting history lawl
Look at that posting history, spelling, and comma usage. Here we have the so-called right in action.
Not questioning Mennin is some kind of ironic sarcasm, right?
Who ungreyed this surplus population?
A coddled gamerkid from Finland lecturing about diversity issues, lolol
I’ve always preferred to call it a tax on those who are bad at math.
Nice mcmodern cliche pile, it’s like Seattle/Portland is moving south, or maybe it works the other way around. I hope this is mostly land value only.
Link or it didn’t happen. Put up or shut up. You aren’t being asked.
Check its posting history - another mental defective.