I hate to do it again, but look at its posting history. Pure unfiltered trash.
I hate to do it again, but look at its posting history. Pure unfiltered trash.
The mindless drones who adore Rand and who believe they built it themselves are going to have a field day with this.
Look at this turd’s posting history. Chad Nunes?
I thought the lead pic might have been a deleted scene from “Blues Brothers”. Where’s the Pinto wagon? Do these people have no self-awareness? Dumb question, I know. Ike is rolling in his grave.
Witless copout. What some see as “envy” is often disgust at a broken and rigged system. The collapse of socio-economic mobility in the face of endless trickle down experiments says a lot. Substantial wealth, sure. People with legit substantial wealth don’t lecture strangers about “envy” on the internet, nor claim…
You brought up “working hard”, you as well are unqualified to define it.
There’s seldom “hard” work involved past the first couple generations. The definition of “punished” can be as funny as “envy”. Luck isn’t laudable.
What exactly is wrong with it? Provide details, please. Put up or STFU.
Depends on how they prospered. Far too much dynastic wealth out there, with the recipients pretending to have “built” something themselves. They didn’t build that.
Lame troll attempt 1/10
Sums it up in more than one way.
TEM syndrome
You recall how long Watergate was a work in progress, right?
Trumplandia. It has the best Russian laundromats.
I’ll be honest, I don’t even think
Look at this regime, and think about it.
Nah, you’re admitting you don’t have a pot to piss in, completely devoid of mettle. You can’t put up, so you shut up about it. Thanks for playing.