
I guess that means you shut up, and went out with a chuckle.

If a few clicks is “digging”, it is a wonder you have survived this long. Oh yeah, that’s about right, really, a miracle.

But there are good people on both sides, 45 said it himself.

What if the perspective is wrong? Like yours.

Actually, whining about the prior regime (with a moronic hashtag no less) to distract from the endless litany of sins committed by the current regime indeed fits. Thanks for your take.


Check out the posting history of this pile of garbage.  Amazing.

It’s a sign your society has failed.  Gated community = Randian dystopia.

Germany is now arguably the leader of the free world, and their sometimes arcane humor works:

Funny to me how regressives whatabout this and whatabout that.

You created an account just to say that? Either well trolled, or Привет!

St Petersburg FL or RU?

“people will support your to leaving.”

Your posting history tells us all we need to know about you.

Just be fair and always remember, this piece of shit lost the popular vote.

With the White House now being the western branch of the Kremlin, should it be a surprise?

It’ll be amusing to see where Canada is in 10 years. Trudeau is your Obama, enjoy it. Watch out for Ford.


LOL I offended the sensitive limey, who then resorts to the “r” word as a shrill distraction.

I suppose there couldn’t be less accountability than the general small town LEO group.