
With the White House now being the western branch of the Kremlin, should it be a surprise?

It’ll be amusing to see where Canada is in 10 years. Trudeau is your Obama, enjoy it. Watch out for Ford.


LOL I offended the sensitive limey, who then resorts to the “r” word as a shrill distraction.

I suppose there couldn’t be less accountability than the general small town LEO group.

Shithole Murka’s gonna shithole?

Yeah, no racial tensions in Britainistan.

I suspect it takes a lot more than that to be shitcanned from the brave praetorian warrior industry.

You should see its posting history. This fits the Dickensian term “surplus population”, or at the very least, “deplorable”.

If if if whatabout if if if.

Read this simp’s posting history - it all makes sense.

When the most powerful and untouchable union in the land stops defending its own lawbreakers, then you have a right to play that game.

You remind me of all the shitheads on СтопХам who claim to be lawyers. It’s a big thing, especially in Санкт-Петербу́рг and Москва.


You stopped off at the wrong door, Breitbart/InfoWars etc are to the right.

This has to be a parody account.

Was anything incorrect? Of course not.

You’ve spawned? Wonderful, great, terrific.

Not just tech elite, offshore money launderers, too. I’m in Bellevue, and it is a ridiculous shitshow here.

What does your rotting old island know about justice?