
I can still hear the “choking sound” from 1997.

Kinda left his feet a bit, but it is the playoffs and all, all’s fair.

Hey Aynd, wassup? Hot down there, no?

Of course, most don’t have mommy and daddy buying a nice car for then, and few cars have directly paced inflation or any CPI.

Sounds like someone is a FIRE industry drone.

She’s also an architect.

I was in Prague several months ago. I took a train from Germany. No Czech stamps. Pretty sure the same would be true had I traveled by car or bus.


This is exactly the take I’d expect from that posting history, well done.

Affordable housing.

Cheap credit is literally worthless when houses that cost 3x average salary for the lucky generation are 10-15x+ average salary for their modern day counterparts.

Some kind of stable genius at work.

рядовой товарищ

Imagine a thumb and forefinger held about 1cm apart. There we have you.

TEM syndrome. It is the reason for the past ~40 years of devolution, and likely will be behind the next 40 years.

Most people who use “socialist” in that manner couldn’t define the term if their TEM-syndrome suffering life depended on it.

hope I am ungreying you

Almost smacks of whataboutism. Privet, comrade.

No data suggests otherwise. Just like there’s no hard data suggesting Poles are actually using that route.

Throwing the “r” word around so capriciously says a lot.