
I wonder if this car originally had rubber baby buggy bumpers - I don’t think ones with that grille also had the “Midget” script on the side. Bumper-less or this, you decide:

So much dirty money hangs out in Britainistan to launder their gold while flitting around in things like this, I can see why people might be a little cynical.

It’s actually a Tesla commercial now.

The law applies no matter the money? This is a first.

This promo spot brought to you by?


“Jaxin” - there’s where the problem started. No doubt a parental dumpster fire.

Or doesn’t live in the second world banana republic “intercoastal” region.

When something fails I do what I can to have it repaired, but I definitely wait until most things show signs of impending failure. Like with the fintail - most things work fine, but some might be past their prime. I am afraid of looking for issues before things get bad, as a car like that can be a Pandora’s Box - you

Let the adulation begin, well before the product is a known entity.

Knowing shit about cars isn’t a prereq, having a thin skin is. Also creating disguised commercials and banishing to the greys when this is pointed out.

Limeyland is exponentially more PC than Murka - the US is a loud drunken redneck in comparison. It’s an all-controlling nannystate.

Sounds like an excuse to go back, the 928.

Especially in Orwellian Britain, where offending someone is a capital crime.

Wow, residents of the emasculated rotting island are sensitive about one of their pseudo-celebs. Go help him paint some Ferraris white.

Look how you limeys are mucking up TG in what was Blighty.

I am shocked the braying masses haven’t bombarded you with a pile of “jealous” retorts. However, the day is still young.

No scammers? Well crap, he’s on to me.

You’re right about what you are, anyway. Good day, good luck.

I’m not prosecuting you for being a whiny git, just mocking you. You’re no Jan Boehmermann :)