Easily offended limeys? I can’t believe it!
Easily offended limeys? I can’t believe it!
They’ve honed the art of clickbait and soft censorship at the same time. At least the buyers guides appear to be a thing of the past. Now just to move on from other glorified ads, and stop pretending to be legitimate motoring press.
Why haven’t the censors greyed you yet?
If VW was in the FIRE cabal, bonuses would be tripled.
Can I buy a beat to shit but freshly faired 2003 Gixxer for the price of a new Chinese scooter?
Must be for the good jobs with crooked defense contractors etc, I can’t imagine another reason to be in Virginia.
Property taxes on cars? Virginia? Can’t see why people don’t leave that hellhole en masse, those golden praetorian sector jobs in the north must make it worth it.
Being in the Seattle area, these are still seen on the road now and then, including the coupes that for a long time I thought were true hardtops. Most of them are looking pretty ragged these days. Still, a testament to late 80s Honda.
That sounds like a mess, the kind of thing I really don’t have patience for. I will work a few more hours per week and not deal with the drama. It might be tolerable if one is working 25 hours per week, but once it his 45 hours or so, free time becomes valuable. Cool that you got most of it fixed relatively easy, and…
I guess one can’t always be #blessed :)
He seriously couldn’t be gone soon enough. It will be a #blessing for humanity.
They can’t do anything? Is a hitman that expensive, really? In the dumb ol EU, one might get a few years in a resort style holding facility,if that. Really surprised it hasn’t been attempted yet, nothing of value would be lost.
Watch it, due to the fine and brave journalists here who are truly legit members of the motoring press, you might go grey.
Cadenza definitely seems less offensive than the K9, maybe due to the more reasonable price. The larger car seems like poor competition to a nice CPO 7er/A8/S/LS.
Enough of those things have trickled down to semi-bhph “exotic” lots that those in the know (like you) know that they aren’t too impressive.
hiding behind anonymity, same enough for me
eh, they censor via the greys behind anonymity, one move like that deserves another
He’s always been that guy. That’s why some love him.
Makes sense, if you’re going to go all in, might as well really go all in.