
The pic of the BMW in the second vid should have been with the Gixxerbro - as those are the BMW of the bike world (BMW bikes aren’t).

It’s a lot easier to post videos. More time for instagramming.

The top has corner windows, cool. I don’t recall them being like that, rather, being like a normal top kind of looking like a Honda Beat. When it gets replaced, leave those in, very unique.

Lots of South Korean expats or heritage there? I seldom see those cars around Seattle, but that seems to be a key demographic for the loaded Hyundai models.

And the 6 is a bit less still. I suspect the take rate for the V8 is under 10%. I see a lot more Equus than these, especially now that the big National fleet intro cars have aged out.

The mishmash K9 is 500hp? where?

Oversensitive British guy? This can’t be real.

To be fair, there are a lot of neglected ones out there, the kind of car you buy for 5K and put 10K into it, to end up with a 10K car on a good day. That can damage a rep. Not everyone has the time or resources to devote to wrenching. They were spaceships when new, so I can agree with the complicated complaint - they

Maybe because there are so many neglected money pits out there. Once some of these are culled out and the genuinely nice ones remain, that could cause real price inflation.

83K base. Spec it out nicely, and it will be a lot more. For as much of a change that Tesla is, their classic German pricing model certainly isn’t revolutionary. You can get another Mustang in options.

The same accounting that values refueling time at $100/hr and deducts it from the cost of a lease.

Too bad they weren’t armed similar, one less inept Floridian in a BMW?

And a little possible unlawful detainment, too. Instead of douchebro bikers being lucky they weren’t shot, maybe BMWbro should feel lucky the bikers weren’t also armed and had a quicker draw. In a second world quality banana republic like Florida, anything can happen.

What about guys who use a bike as instagram jewelry? ;)

pics or it didn’t happen :)

Yep those wheels are much newer than the car. In my area there’s a pasha trimmed 78-79 model in a lovely kind of medium blue, and something like 20K on it. I have seen it at a few informal events, original owner IIRC. That’s the normal one I would want.

928s are appreciating? Maybe GTS and the best of the best S4s, right? Normals still seem pretty cheap.


Tesla story 2, and it’s not even 9am on the west coast. Gotta keep it up, this is good journalism. I guess now that the buyers guides faded away...

Tech people, not car people. I suspect some Teslalopnik “writers” fall into that, too.