
They have that. It’s called redtube. Whole different can of beans.

See, this is what corruption looks like. For real. Straight-up bribery and illegal donations and shit.

That guy forgot to have a neck.

So...she wanted the relationship to be more Loki.

Sitting out the national anthem? TREASON!!

On Democracy Now there’s a video, where the dog’s mouth is covered in blood, and the “handlers” (hired goons?) clearly have no idea what they are doing. It’s an absolute shit-show, because these people are Native and apparently everyone just shrugs when you abuse them.

A friend of mine was out west already when the protests started. She joined them about two weeks ago.

The tribe wasn’t even asking for they to do that, just yet. They were asking for a chance to conduct in-depth studies to determine what exactly is at the site (how many remains, artifacts, etc.) - THEN come up with options. And yes, there are options - preserving the site, re-interment elsewhere, etc. People believe

They did this on a reservation legally owned and governed by the Sioux? Not that I’d expect the Federal Government to break their streak of failing to honor a single treaty with various Native American tribes, but I thought reservations were at least some space of dignity and autonomy for Native Americans. Just

This is disgusting, and the use of dogs to attack protesters is particularly vile. There was an account of a child being bitten by one of the dogs brought in, not to mention several adults.

Hearing a store clerk say happy holidays? Oppressive war on Christmas! Razing sacred indigenous grounds? That’s just important capitalistic freedom!

In my experience, anacondas don’t want none unless they got buns, hun.

Huh. I wonder what they were doing instead if they weren’t being held at gunpoint. Going to Brazil’s hottest nightclub? Tell me more Stefon:

He could tear up a picture of Dale Earnhardt or light a confederate flag on fire.

I’m gonna get up on my soapbox and I don’t care. My father is a retired Colonel in the Marine Corp who was a platoon leader in Vietnam in 1968 at 21 who lost 50 of the 100 men whose lives he was in charge of. He was head of security of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, four days after my mom walked out on him. He

Okay but it also has a clause preventing you from bringing up their supposed sanctimony when none of them has even said anything to you.

That’s a bit extreme but I’ll be okay with a law that bans Vegans from condescendingly telling me why they think they’re better than me.