
We’ve got some stupid politicians up here in Canada, and the odd crazy-sounding one pops up now and then. But, holy shit, there seems to be an enormous number of certifiably insane politicians in the US. I really don’t mean this as a smug declaration of superiority, because we certainly have our share of messed up

Now playing

Last night Jimmy Kimmel lacerated Sen. Bill Cassidy for this (this is a must see):

So what you are saying is, if you don’t know how to maintain a car yourself, you shouldn’t drive?

I dunno man, she should be allowed to use her computer to skype her grandkids and post embarrassing messages to her children’s FB walls without having to understand P2P torrenting, IP masking, etc.

like if i stretch my brain a lot i can *almost* see where the stream of thought comes from on the medical cannabis zoning, because “war on drugs” and bullshit. but like...its not like kids are going to pick up a baggie of abortion on the street outside the know?

i don’t understand the public school, do they think the doctors are gonna get confused and try to abort a kindergartner?!?!

Counterpoint : if you don’t read the comics, avoided the chatter and conjecture all summer and just watched the show last night, like I did, it was totally worth it.

Boondock Saints: the TV series?

Norman Reedus stars in CSI: Orlando!

Everything’s Coming up Negan!

Daryl. Can’t be Glenn after that fake-out last season. Plus, Norman is at the point that he might be willing to pull a David Caruso and seek out movies at this point in his career, but without the Caruso attitude.

If body language counts, they were doing that this year.

That’s him? Wow, he must have bet his neck on the hard eight and lost.

“Billy Long” sound like a fake name you use to check into a Vegas hotel with a hooker.

guys i am for real concerned that he didn’t know that a whole world lay beyond the US until like 2 months ago

Guys. Guys? Guys.

Oh my God, I just have to share this, folks!

ThinkProgress has a good summary of the last week’s exploits

Are we finally seeing the collapse of Trump as a candidate or am I just getting my hopes up?